Bedtime for Vii

>> Saturday, February 6, 2010

Keely, I am glad you are the inaugural first poster! Thank goodness for computer spasms and Amanda Bynes-- I loved loved loved opening our new citrusy-colored project and finding your post! It looks so much better; clearly this blog was made to be used. If I weren't so exhausted (more on that in a second), I'd be really energized by the fact that we have finally begun! 

I hope your lovely Hack is up and running now, and purring along through your soon-to-be-done-forever homework, illegal operating systems be damned. And you put our mission perfectly. I've had it on my mind, and I keep thinking of quips, movie scenes, passages and songs that relate. I think Baz Luhrman's Sunscreen song is especially apt.

"Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you imagine." 
I already love old photos of Keely and me. And if we go on exactly as we are now, photos in another 10 years are going to be great. But we each want to know what we can actually do, and who the best versions of ourselves are. And we want to do the future Keely and Vianne a favor by being smarter and livelier about our choices now. This is about curves, frye boots, reading labels, fitted jeans, lululemon, fresh fruit, exercise routines, deep conditioner, heart rates, pushing ourselves, broccoli, and betting on our futures. it's about changing our approach, which starts inside and then feels good in any outfit outside.

And, then... then there is The je ne sais qua. The magic of healthy, beautiful women. There is that as well. 

And so I arrive at my Day One, which was a bit of a battle. I hope the larger fight has been won, because I need to kick a terrible habit. It's numero uno, at the moment, for my plan to a revamped, healthy lifestyle. While Keely bites her cuticles and eats frosting, I stay up til 5 a.m, sleep until 1 p.m, and have lately become fixated on hot dogs on sourdough toast with mustard. from discussing magic, to mustard. oy. 

My main issue is my sleep schedule, which is why I say the larger fight may have been won.... I stayed up all night last night, in order to be exhausted now, at 11 p.m. Hopefully this will stop me waking up when the rest of the world gets off work tomorrow, and let me get a shot at absorbing some of those peak-health sleeping hours around midnight. But, before you get too excited Keely, my breakfast at 6 this morning guessed it! a hot dog, on toasted wheat, with mustard. The rest of the day was great, and I ate an incredibly combination of food at dinner for my mother's birthday, and we had a wonderful time. but I am now ready to crawl under my fluffy duvet, and :) 


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